Join the 15 hour club

These are just a few of the business leaders who have
freed up 15+ hours PER WEEK using AirManual.
Emma Seton

Emma Seton

Transformed and fully delegated enrollment procedures.

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan

Freed himself from onboarding new clients and solving related issues.

Georgia Kirke

Georgia Kirke

Freed herself up from sales and onboarding new team members.

Paul Elbro

Paul Elbro

Handed over all the day-to-day tasks that "only he could do" and stopped working 70+hrs/wk.

Kevin Walsh

Kevin Walsh

Set up self-service onboarding for new joiners.

Holly Siddall

Holly Siddall

Now onboards team members in ONE DAY, and eliminated her fear of hiring.


Darren James

Streamlined operations, reducing the support needed from his team.

Katie Bullock

Katie Bullock

Delegated 16 time consuming project, finance and admin tasks.

Stuart Wade

Stuart Wade

Onboarding and training new Account Execs without him.

Matt Fillingham

Matt Fillingham

Delegated a complex quoting process... in 45 minutes (!)

Anna Moran

Anna Moran

Editing podcast episodes 2x faster, and made it easy enough to delegate.

Alexis Kingsbury

Alexis Kingsbury

Freed up 15 hours a week multiple times, delegating entire teams & businesses.

Paddy Mann

Paddy Mann

Handed over teams including Engineering and Data Security.

Join hundreds of happy customers

We’re helping 100s of business owners to scale faster and enjoy the journey.
The rest of the team can now sell independently of me... Which in terms of financial goals for the company is incredible!
Georgia Kirke
CEO, Write Business Results
I have saved about a week already by delegating quite complicated processes to my virtual assistant seamlessly. My overall experience is very positive.
Christopher R.
Capterra review
It’s given me confidence that the team is now using a standardized approach, and it’s easy to make changes to the checklists when needed.
Bryony Ward
Enrolments Manager, Buttercups Training
Awesome! The system its self has vastly improved the organisation of all our processes. It's just so easy to navigate. Whatever you do in AirManual just feels easy, wether you're adding links/video's to an existing process that you've copied across or setting up a new process from scratch. The checkbox & guided checklists mean processes are simple to complete & ensure no step is missed.
Samantha M
Capterra review
Should I hire? Before AirManual, I always felt that I didn't have the time. That feeling's gone.
Nathan Blair
Founder, The Somatic School
We used AirManual to automate our pre-onboarding and onboarding process. New hire feedback has been fantastic and the team have found it easy to use. What makes AirManual really special is the customer support and training they provide. We've been blown away by the attention to detail and help we've had to guide us through the process.
Verified customer
Capterra review
Simple is the name of our game and with AirManual, you get exactly that. A simple and quick way to get everything organized and documented to keep your team flowing day to day with ease.
Jeana D
Director of Administration
Capterra review
I have to say, I've been incredibly impressed so far. The interface is smooth, snappy and simple compared to [the previous tool I used]. The team is there to get you set up and hold your hand through getting set up and designing your checklists, and they suggest actually useful improvements along the way. Thank you AirManual for making my life easier!
Joey B
HR team
Capterra review
AirManual is helping us to revolutionise our business and growth plans. From the beginning the implementation has been much easier than expected and my team have adopted more than expected. I am very happy with the decision to invest time and money into AirManual and I urge any company that wants to improve their process management to adopt AirManual in their business
Darren J
Managing Director
Capterra review
I didn't imagine that it would have such a big impact. We’ve had comments from new starters saying that this is a brilliant place to work... that they love coming here!
Stuart Wade
Business Owner, Empire Manufacturing
It puts my mind at rest in a way. It gets things out of my head. So the business had been running from the contents in my head for the last 3 years, which was quite a lot to contain.
Christopher Robertson
Business Owner, Robertson IP
It’s well worth it — it’s saving us more time and money than what we pay for it. When we start using it in full capacity, it’s going to make a huge difference, it’s going to be priceless at that point.
Renee Moore
Business Owner, Canine Craze
The feedback from our new joiner has been how easy it’s been to go through the onboarding process, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before from someone coming into the business.
Cathy Farr
Business Director, Germains
I got to go on holiday! And the place did not burn down. Yeah. I love it... I love it! That’s the biggest win for me — that I got to go on holiday. The business has been on every holiday that I have been on since I started 7 years ago.
Jennifer S.
Business Support Manager
We love AirManual! The software is brilliant but their team are even better, so helpful and friendly and really take the time to get to know your business and work out how the software can assist and better our processes.
Jess W
Capterra review
I find AirManual very user friendly, I enjoy that it can be completely bespoke to your company. Creating a process is super easy and can be easily updated and republished in a matter of a few clicks. It also gives great peace of mind having a live chat box should you need any support and our account manager is very quick at responding to us which we really appreciate.
Gemma H
Business Administrator
Capterra review
AirManual is everything I ever dreamed to have in a cloud-based documentation hub that is our central source for truth on SOPs and processes. It's feature-rich without being tedious
Danielle M
Capterra review